ProMow Pro Series 7-Gang Lawn Mower - recommended for the average size lawn The 18 in. reels provide a scissors cut, greatly reducing moisture loss, promoting a rich, green, healthy turf. Each reel will follow the contour of the turf, eliminating scalping or uneven cuts. The frame is 1" tubular steel with powder coat finish and folds for easy storage. Sharpen the reels yourself with Promow's sharpening kit.
- Acres cut per hour: 4
- Horsepower needed to pull unit: 10 HP
- Total width: 9' 8"
- Number of blades: 5
- Size of each head: 18"
- Cutting height: 1 1/2" to 2 1/2"
- Warranty: 1 year warranty on reel; 2 year warranty on frame
Do you have a pond or ditch? Reels will flex down or up allowing you to cut to the waters edge! Cutting height ranges from 1.5 in. to 2.5 in., unit has zero turn, and reverse capability. Requires 10 HP or more to pull. Many use their riding lawn mower or ATV to pull the ProMow unit.
Gold Premium Gang: 
The Pro Series reel, designed as a finish cut mower, features 18 in quality cut. Cutting heights of 1 ½” to 2 ½”, height adjusts via rollers, 5 blade ball bearing reel, ground driven. Reel cuts with scissors action, promoting a healthy turf.
Low cost, low maintenance, easy to adjust, sharpen reels yourself with the ProMow sharpening kit (sold separately) . Experience this high quality cut at a very reasonable cost. Ideal for home owners and cutting applications with in the 1 ½”- 2 ½” height. This reel used on all Pro Series Gang mowers. Weight 32lbs
Reel Mowers vs Rotary Mowers:
Be the envy of your neighbors with the reel cut
We deliver a superior cut at a cost anyone can afford. The scissor (reel) cut seals the tip of the grass as it cuts, reducing moisture loss. You will find that your turf will stay greener than the turf cut with a rotary type mower. The rotary cut is a whipping type cut that can leave a jagged tip, which will allow for excessive dry out of the blade of grass. This can be the cause of the yellow or brown color in the grass. A good example of this would be a comparison to a tree that has a limb broken off from a storm. It leaves a jagged stump that will dry out. To minimize dry out, the stump is cut off straight with a saw. Much the same with grass blades.
You will also find, with the reel cut, there will be no windrowing or bunching of cut grass as it all goes directly behind the reel. If there is cut grass on the surface it can be disposed of by making another pass with your mower at a different angle re-cutting the clippings to where they will virtually disappear. There is no need to bag or rake the clippings. Clippings are good for the grass as they contain many nutrients that grass can use. The reel is the choice of the Pro’s, the results are the key, greener and healthier turf.
ProMow Test provided by:Steven Horney, Mechanical Engineer
When Doug Short, owner and CEO of ProMow, told me he thought his reel mower systems were more efficient and used less fuel than rotary mowers, I was both interested and a little skeptical. As an engineer, I like to see data to back up such claims.
Well, I finally got my opportunity. Doug invited me to participate in a test he and the company manager were going to perform.
In the test we compared the fuel usage of a lawn tractor running its four-foot-wide rotary deck against the same tractor pulling a 12-foot-wide ProMow reel system (with the rotary deck disengaged.) The results of the test was well beyond what I expected.
Going the same distance (approximately the length of two soccer fields each way) the ProMow unit required only two-thirds of a cup of gasoline while the tractor cutting with its rotary blade used a full cup of fuel.
In other words, the same tractor cut three times as much as grass (12-feet compared to four-feet) in two-thirds the amount of fuel. The savings cannot only be measured in fuel consumption, but in emissions as well. Because mowing time is cut by 66-percent, then there is two-thirds less time the tractor is polluting the air. Put another way, the ProMow reel system mowed 4.5 times as much grass on the same amount of fuel with the tractor in question _ basically a garden tractor.
This was a limited test and results could vary, but the ProMow reel system offers the promise of significant savings in fuel, emissions and mowing time.