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ComposTumbler Compost Thermometer

Proper heating is vital in producing a quality compost mixture. Using a compost thermometer will take the guess work out of reaching your target temperature. Check your compost on the third day of thoroughly turning your ingredients for a core temperature of 140 degrees F. This will assure you that your compost is “cooking” accordingly.
Free Shipping with Composter order
Assures your compost is "cooking" properly
Compost should "cook" at 140 degrees F
Easily see your composts temperature
Delivery date Usually ships within 3 days
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Compost Thermometer

Proper heating is vital in producing a quality compost mixture. Using a compost thermometer will take the guess work out of reaching your target temperature. Check your compost on the third day of thoroughly turning your ingredients for a core temperature of 140 degrees F. This will assure you that your compost is “cooking” accordingly.

Compost Thermometer

Proper heating is vital in producing a quality compost mixture. Using a compost thermometer will take the guess work out of reaching your target temperature. Check your compost on the third day of thoroughly turning your ingredients for a core temperature of 140 degrees F. This will assure you that your compost is “cooking” accordingly.